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PCEA Chapter Webinar: Manufacturing by Design is the New DfM

February 18 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Today’s SMT and PTH assembly processes are driven by component packaging technology and functional design requirements.  These requirements combined with the growth in automobile electrification, space commercialization, wearable/disposable medical electronics and no touchup/rework allowed assembly designs are driving manufacturing/test toward “build right” and increased reliability requirements.  With this transition, DfM needs to migrate away from general assembly design guidelines primarily driven by general assembly equipment/process capability toward component/printed board specific driven assembly understanding the requirements and tolerances of each solder connection on a single device location on the assembly. Manufacturing now has to be able to report design issues not only from assembly level effects/process customization but also to be able to communicate with designers on potential functional design mitigation strategies and/or cost impacts.  Manufacturing by design is now required to match the assembly/test processes to the functional requirements of the design and address when traditional material limitations, industry standards and assembly tolerances are not adequately addressed with traditional DfM reviews.

About the Speaker

Dale Lee is a principal DFX engineer with Plexus, primarily involved with printed board/printed board assembly DFX analysis, root cause failure analysis and definition/correlation of design, process and tooling impacts on assembly processes and manufacturing yields including impacts of new technologies.
Dale has been involved in PTH/surface mount design, package and process development and production for thirty plus years in various technical and managerial positions.  Activities have included research, development and implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies and interconnect techniques, component package design and development, PCB and PCBA design support, DFM/DFX analysis of flex, rigid-flex and rigid PCB/PCBA’s including supply chain, process qualification and new process introduction for domestic and foreign low, medium and high-volume production applications for consumer products, industrial, aerospace, defense and medical devices.
Dale has authored multiple technical articles and papers and is a frequent instructor/presenter globally on topics including PCB and SMT design, assembly, cleaning, and DFM/DFX.  He is a past recipient of the Surface Mount Technology Association’s Excellence in Leadership award and IPC’s President’s Award.  He has been or is very involved with multiple industry associations, industry standards development, and symposium/conference technical development committees.

To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/506313452873561692



February 18
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
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