Enhancing the Career of the Professional Engineer
Free Materials
In our attempt to add value to your development efforts, we are eager to highlight free technical resources. However, we must advise caution concerning the accuracy and value of these resources. We accept no responsibility for the use of these resources.
1. Are We Teaching Electricity the Wrong Way? Bernie Hobbs
2. Nickel-Plated Traces, Howard Johnson
3. Nickel-Gold Plating Copper PCB traces, Polar Instruments
4. How Hot Is My Via? (Cooler Than You Think!),” Douglas Brooks, Johannes Adam
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1. AI Roadmap for PCB Layout, Charles Pfeil
2. PCEA – A Roadmap for Use of AI-Assisted Tools for the Electronics Industry rev 3.0, PCEA
1. Problems and Promises of BTCs (Bottom Terminated Components), Ray Prasad
2. DFM Guidelines for BGAs and LGAs, Dale Lee
1. Effective Strategies for Choosing and Locating Printed Circuit Board Decoupling Capacitors, Todd Hubing
2. 20-H Rule Modeling and Measurements, Hwan W, Shim & Todd H. Hubing
3. Effects of 20-H Rule and Shielding Vias on Electromagnetic Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards, Chen &Fang,
Dept of Electrical Engineering, University of California at Santa Cruz
4. 90 Degree Corners: The Final Turn, Doug Brooks
5. BGA Crosstalk, Dr Howard Johnson
6. Model for Estimating Radiated Emissions from a Printed Circuit Board with Attached Cables, Due to Voltage Driven Sources, Hwan-Woo Shim & Todd Hubing
7. Printed Circuit Board EMI Source Mechanisms, Todd Hubing
8. Estimation of Common Mode Radiated Emissions from Cables Attached to High-Speed PCB Using Imbalance Difference Model, Ahmed M. Sayegh and Mohd Zarar M. Jenu
9. Does a Heated Conductor Have Signal Integrity Implications,” Douglas Brooks, Johannes Adam and Ulisses Castro
Flex Circuits
1. Ask the Flexperts, Mark Finstad and Nick Koop, PCD&F Magazine column
2. Design and Assembly Process Principles for Flexible and Rigid Flex Circuits, Solberg, PCB West 2015
1. “Design and Construction Effects on PWB Reliability,” Paul Reid
2. “HDI’s Beneficial Influence on High-Frequency Signal Integrity,” Happy Holden
3. “The Future of HDI Via Structures, Power Delivery, and Thermal Management in Next-Generation Printed Circuits,” Tom Buck
High Speed/ Signal Integrity
1. “IBIS Output Impedance Made Easy,” Bert Simonovich
2. “A Treatment of Differential Signaling and Its Design Requirements,” Lee Ritchey
3. Anodes Crosstalk Overview, Intel, (Item 2 under the Electrical Properties Group)
4. IBIS Models to Investigate Signal-Integrity, Bonnie C. Baker
Power Bus
1. Power Bus Decoupling Guidelines for Printed Circuit Boards with Closely Spaced Power Distribution Planes, Todd Hubing
2. Power Bus Decoupling Guidelines for Printed Circuit Boards with Widely Spaced Power Distribution Planes, Todd Hubing
3. Power Bus Decoupling on Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards, Hubing, Drewniak, Van Doren & Hockanson,
4. PDN Application of Ferrite Beads, Steve Weir
5. PDN Design Strategies: III. Planes and Materials – Are They Important
Factors in Power Bus Design? Knighten, Archambeault, Fan, Selli, Xue, Connor, and Drewniak
1. Stencil Technology and Guidelines, Greg Starrett
Switch Mode Power Supplies
1. The Analysis and Layout of a Switching Mode Power Supply, AIC
2. Considerations in Designing the Printed Circuit Boards of Embedded Switching Power Supplies, Marty Brown
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PCB Design, EMA Design Automation, 2019,
- Printed Circuits Handbook, Seventh Edition, Clyde Coombs, 2016, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-183395-0
- Bebop to the Boolean Boogie, Clive Maxfield, 1995, HighText Publications, ISBN: 1-878707-22-1
- Printed Circuit Board – Designer’s Reference: Basics, Christopher T. Robertson, 2003, Prentice
- Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series, ISBN: 9780130674814
- Maxwell’s Equations Without the Calculus, Douglas Brooks, Amazon, 2016, ISBN: 1523634391
- Principals of Power Integrity for PDN Design Simplified, Larry D. Smith and Eric Bogatin, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 978-0-13-273555-1
- Fast Circuit Boards – Energy Management, Ralph Morrison, Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-1-119-41399-8
- PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control, Bruce R. Archambeault, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, ISBN: 978-1-4757-3642-7
Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, 2nd Edition, Henry Ott, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN:978-0-470-18930-6 - EMI Troubleshooting Cookbook for Product Designers, Patrick G. André and Kenneth Wyatt, ISBN: 978-1-61355-019-1
- Grounding and Shielding Techniques, 6th edition, Ralph Morrison, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 978-1-119-18374-7
- The HDI Handbook, Happy Holden, 2009, BR Publishing, Inc., ISBN 978-0-9796189-1-8
- BGA Breakouts and Routing: Effective Design Methods for Very Large BGAs, Charles Pfeil, 2008
High Speed/ Signal Integrity
- High Speed Constraint Values (E-Book and Calculator), Charles Pfeil, 2020
- Right the First Time, volume 1, Lee Ritchey, 2003, ISBN: 0-9741936-0-7
- Right the First Time, volume 2, Lee Ritchey, 2007, ISBN: 0-9741936-1-5
- High-Speed Digital System Design, Hall, Hall, and McCall, 2000, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0-471-36090-2
- High-Speed Digital Design- A Handbook of Black Magic, Howard W. Johnson and Martin Graham, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-395724-1
- High Speed Signal Propagation- Advanced Black Magic, Howard W. Johnson and Martin Graham, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-084408-X
- The Printed Circuit Designer’s Guide to Secrets of High-Speed PCBs, Martyn Gaudion Polar Instruments, ISBN: 9780998288505
- Signal Integrity Issues in PCB Design, Douglas Brooks, 2003,
ISBN: 9780131418844 - PCB Currents: How They Flow, How They React, Douglas Brooks, Prentice Hall, 2013, ISBN: 0134878477
- UltraCAD’s Best Articles and Applications Notes, Amazon, 2022
Flex Circuits
- Flexible Circuit Technology, 4th edition, Joseph Fjelsted, 2011
- Handbook of Flexible Circuits, 2nd edition, Ken Gilleo, 1992
Thermal Issues
- PCB Design Guide to Via and Trace Currents and Temperatures,Douglas Brooks, Johannes Adam, Artech House, 2021, ISBN: 1630818607
- Young Guns: The 2024 PCD&F PCB Designer Salary Survey (August 2024)
- Show Them the Money: The 2023 PCD&F PCB Designer Salary Survey (September 2023)
- The ECAD Industry is Firing on All Cylinders. No Wonder Wages are Rising. (September 2022)
- In an Unpredictable World, PCB Design Engineering Stay Steady (August 2021)
- It Was Predicted for Years. Engineers Are Finally Taking Over PCB Design. (June 2020)
- “Going Green: PCB Designers Say Salaries on Rise” (February 2019)
- “Among Designers, Compensation, Job Satisfaction on the Rise” (August 2017)
- “The PCB Design Community: Seasoned, Stable, Prosperous” (August 2016)
- “PCB Design Industry Thrives While in Need of New Recruits” (September 2015)
- “Fresh Faces in the Design Community” (October 2014)
- “Better with Age” (August 2013)
- “Mixed Signals” (April 2012)
- “The Price is Right” (May 2011)
- “The Year of Staying Employed” (June 2010)
- “Designers Take on Technology Challenges in 2008” (December 2008)
- “The 2007 PCB Designer Salary Survey” (December 2007)
- The 2006 Designer and Design Engineer Salary Survey” (November 2006)
- “The 2005 Designer and Design Engineer Salary Survey” (November 2005)
- “The PCD&M Design Engineer Salary Survey” (November 2004)
- “A Year of Transition” (November 2003)
- “Satisfaction Guaranteed? Annual Salary Survey Results (November 2002)
- “2001 Salary Survey Results” (January 2002)
- “Salary Survey Results 2000” (November 2000)
Chapter Handouts
Presentations from past PCEA chapter meetings.
Are You Cool Enough for Low Temperature Solders? – Tony Lentz, FCT Assembly
Paid Materials
Conference Proceedings
PCEA offers full proceedings from all PCB West and PCB East technical conferences.
Current year proceedings are $295. Previous year conference proceedings are $195. Click the links below to order. (The 2024 UHDI Design to Package Forum proceedings are $75 and may be ordered through the PCB East Proceedings link.)